The right gear,
in the right hands,
at the right time.

The right gear,
in the right hands,
at the right time.

We Are Equipment Reservation & Asset Management Software.

Our Story.

WebCheckout Inc. is the leading software solution for equipment reservations, inventory management, asset tracking, and scheduling. Our journey began in the late 1990s when a talented group of developers-for-hire united to create a groundbreaking equipment and scheduling management system for the School of the Art Institute of Chicago. This ambitious project gave birth to WebCheckout, a robust software solution designed to streamline the entire lifecycle of equipment circulation.

Today, WebCheckout proudly serves a thriving community of over 200 esteemed academic institutions worldwide. Our reach extends beyond academia to numerous entities in broadcast, production, media and entertainment industries. Experience the future of equipment management today through our streamlined processes, enhanced control, and unparalleled efficiency. Become part of our rapidly expanding community of satisfied customers and discover how we redefine the standards of excellence.

25 Years
8+ Countries
450+ Centers

& Equip.

WebCheckout’s Equipment Reservation Software for universities and colleges revolutionizes resource management. This cutting-edge platform enables students and end users to effortlessly browse and reserve campus equipment and spaces, streamlining the entire process for unparalleled efficiency. With an intuitive interface, real-time updates, and seamless integration, institutions gain valuable insights while optimizing resource allocation.


Create tailored equipment policies and restrictive lending measures with WebCheckout’s Equipment Reservation Software. This innovative platform allows administrators to create granular rules based on specific user credentials, certifications, course enrollment, or other criteria. Ensuring that only authorized individuals gain access to particular equipment groups, types, or spaces.

Anytime, Anywhere.

Welcome to the future of equipment reservations with WebCheckout’s Equipment Reservation Software! Say goodbye to the constraints of traditional systems as this cutting-edge platform liberates users by granting access to the equipment catalog from anywhere with an internet connection. Whether on campus, at home, or on the go, users can effortlessly browse and reserve equipment at their convenience, elevating student satisfaction to new heights.

Rent Out
Rooms & Spaces.

Easily allow end users to reserve rooms, spaces, studios, labs, gyms, or any physical location with WebCheckout’s Equipment and Room Reservation Software. Provide the convenience of examining availability, coordinating schedules, and making bookings directly from any browser.

Optimize your workflows with STAGING MODE! Prepare reservations in advance, stage orders of all sizes in tandem with team members, and allocate equipment efficiently to reduced wait times, streamline operations, and improve overall efficiency in order management.

Borrow, Better.


Give your end-users a shopping list of items they need and let them select from your available inventories.


Offer your end-users preassembled kits under a unified product code, streamlining the reservation experience.


Assign “Resource Type” categories and allow your end-users to browse, reserve and substitute similar items.

Built Boldly.

WebCheckout proudly introduces its Patron Portal, built from the ground up with WCAG compliance in mind. Ensuring that our cutting-edge equipment reservation platform is accessible to all individuals with diverse abilities. Our commitment to inclusivity reflects our dedication to providing a user-friendly experience for every member of your community. By aligning to the latest Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG), the Patron Portal facilitates access, navigation, and reserving equipment for all students, faculty, and staff. Our enhancements not only elevate the user experience but also underscore WebCheckout’s role as a leader in creating equitable and efficient resource management solutions. Discover the transformative power of WebCheckout’s Patron Portal, a harmonious blend of innovation and inclusivity, setting a new standard for WCAG compliance.

Integral Integrations.

With WebCheckout’s patrons and course enrollment integrations, setting up and modifying user permissions is a breeze. Say goodbye to manual data entry and experience the time savings and error reductions that come with seamless data syncing. Plus, WebCheckout effortlessly handles most single sign-on (SSO) protocols, ensuring a smooth and secure experience. Elevate your equipment reservation with enrollment integrations and unlock the full potential of your institution’s resource management.

Higher Education

Media &




Rental Software

Basic rental software, while providing rudimentary functionalities tailored for general rental businesses, falls notably short when addressing the nuanced requirements of Film Schools, Higher Education, and Production Companies. These institutions and entities require specialized features that can manage not only equipment rentals, but also workflows related to scheduling, multi-user access, projects and curriculum integration, asset tracking in varied production environments and, often, detailed usage analytics. The limited scope of Basic Rental Software thus hinders effective integration and fails to fully support the multifaceted operational needs of these specialized sectors.

Lending, Inventory, & Project Management Software

WebCheckout’s Software stands distinctively apart from generic rental software solutions. Specifically designed with the intricacies of Film Schools, Higher Education, and Production Companies in mind, it caters to their unique workflows and challenges. Unlike basic rental systems, WebCheckout delves deeper into sector-specific needs, offering features that seamlessly integrate scheduling, multi-user collaboration, curriculum-based project management, and sophisticated asset tracking within varied production scenarios. Its specialized nature ensures that the demanding and multifaceted operational requirements of these institutions and companies are not only met but are enhanced, facilitating a smoother and more efficient management process.

Something For Everyone.

WebCheckout stands at the forefront of enhancing operational efficiency and security across university campuses, offering tailored benefits for IT & security teams, faculty and leadership, and cage managers, which collectively elevate the student experience. WebCheckout’s comprehensive approach not only simplifies administrative tasks but also fosters an ecosystem where education thrives on accessibility, security, and efficiency.

IT &


LDAP Integration

24HR Monitored Help

Reports & Audits

Faculty & Leadership


WCAG Compliant

Mobile Inventory App

Equipment Life Cycle Management


Staff Scheduling

Approval Flows

Room Reservations

Students &

Online Catalog

Greenlight Projects

Email Messaging

‘The “Cadillac” of Checkout Software’

“WebCheckout allows me to keep track of the investment that our college has made in providing quality technology to Faculty, Staff, and Students for the purpose of fulfilling their class assignments, pursuing their interests, and preventing them from having to invest in expensive equipment. I can collect accurate and quick statistics — it makes my job easier.

This software is super well thought-out. It covers all the basics of what you would want checkout software to do… but they are constantly seeking out and listening to customers for recommendations on new features.

When looking at all the products out there… it was clear from the beginning that WebCheckout was the only product for the job!”

Amanda -Tech Specialist
Higher Education

‘Admitally the Best’

We began using the WebCheckout system in 2013 as the demand for our equipment loan program exceeded the ability of our home-grown solution. What drove us to select WebCheckout was not only expansive options it offered for inventory, but the interconnectivity everything had for those resources to be easily reservable, trackable through loan allocations, and allow our late fines to be integrated into a system (instead of a manual process tracked in spreadsheets). We were able to work directly to find a solution specific to our contracting needs, but also found a wealth of resources in the documentation they maintain for better utilizing system policies and creating a much better workflow for fine invoices/late fines with their assistance as well with ease.

Nick – Manager, Digital Services
Higher Education

‘Resource Circulation and Management with Great Customization’

“WebCheckout (WCO) is a tool like no other for managing thousands of items worth millions of dollars for hundreds of users. It is designed – and has evolved over the years – with a focus on doing this very well. Scheduling, circulating and maintaining gear and facilities happens so smoothly because of WCO.

WCO is the only software (Made In the USA, at least) that I am aware of capable of managing, scheduling, circulating and inventorying resources – both physical “gear” and facilities “rooms” – so well. The information that can be cataloged for each individual item is tremendous in tracking everything from purchase history to usage as well as maintenance and repair. The items are also classified by type so that there is readily available data regarding how many are on hand, how many are in use and so forth. Scheduling within the software ensures that it all is being utilized…but without conflict; a “Patron Portal” option even allows end users to schedule on their own – based on permission authorizations set by the operator(s). There is also a basic inventory feature (with enhanced capability available as an option) as well as maintenance ticketing and even staff scheduling – all within the one program. Finally, there is extensive messaging available for the end users to be informed of reservations, pick ups and returns in addition to reminders for those events…once again, all customizable by operators. One additional note: significant updates to the software, at a rate of several a year, are almost entirely driven by end user requests for features and capabilities. Using WCO for the past 4 – 5 years, I have seen it continually evolve to be even better and better at serving both the institutions using it and their end users.”

John, Manager – Film Department
Higher Education

‘All their modules serve to better a workflow’

In 2017 I was the Service Desk Manager of a technology checkout desk, called the Tech Desk. At the time, we had been utilizing the library checkout software, Workflows, while it was able to do basics of checking out and charging late fees there were definitely areas lacking, specifically reservations and proper inventory tracking. After meeting with the WebCheckout team and seeing what it could do to help improve our services, I decided to take the leap.  The implementation process was made easy with the support of Jeannie and the implementation team. 

In the years since, we have upgraded many times and have seen the development and implementations of requests I have made to make our processes even better.  Their willingness to take the customers’ needs into consideration and bring them into reality makes my continued use of WebCheckout worthwhile.  The system has allowed us to seamlessly transition our services during COVID-19 and allow for the upscaling of our services with ease.  During “normal” times we did around 150 consistent checkouts and now we have over 600!  Additionally, we worked more on an ad-hoc first come, first serve, but with COVID we moved to all reservations and with the implementation of the RRT module it has saved us SO MUCH time and headache.

Overall, my continued experience with WebCheckout has been great.  Brittany, the implementation and the help desk team are always very responsive and helpful to quickly resolve our issues.  If anyone is looking to use WebCheckout for their needs whether it’s for inventory, checkout services or even ticketing, all their modules serve to better a workflow.  Finally, it’s well worth implementing to automate services, while also allowing you to exponentially grow your them.”

Melissa, Associate Director
Higher Education

Power Tools.

Real-life project management workflows for students & staff alike.

Introducing WebCheckout Pro’s Greenlighting App. Powered by WebCheckout’s circulation engine and integrated with student information systems, Equipment Managers, Production Managers, and Instructors share a single source of truth for project details, equipment usage policies and authorizations, and managing reservations.

Eliminate over-and-under staffing with this integrated add-on.

WebCheckout’s Personnel Scheduling Module is a comprehensive solution for managing full and part-time staff shifts and productions. Simplify scheduling by copying and duplicating employee schedules for future use. Calendar feeds keep employees and managers informed about shifts and productions, and integration with the Messaging Module enables seamless communication and shift management. Streamline staff scheduling and enhance productivity with WebCheckout’s Personnel Scheduling Module.

Make quick work of inventory projects and audits with MIA.

WebCheckout Pro’s Mobile Inventory App (MIA) is a powerful addition to its equipment checkout software solution, providing users with extensive and convenient access to their entire inventory. With MIA, inventory management becomes effortless, saving valuable time and resources for other important tasks and projects. Streamline your operations with MIA and optimize your inventory management process.

Film, First.

WebCheckout revolutionizes resource management for film schools with its state-of-the-art equipment reservation capabilities. By implementing concise and enforceable policies, the software dramatically decreases staff workload while enhancing overall operational efficiency. It streamlines the reservation process, affording students and faculty the convenience of online access to book essential equipment effortlessly. This advancement not only diminishes the need for manual intervention but also ensures a fair and transparent allocation of resources. Moreover, WebCheckout’s automation of equipment usage tracking and maintenance schedules guarantees equipment remains in prime condition, optimizing performance and reliability. This comprehensive solution significantly saves time, reduces the likelihood of errors, and simplifies the intricate task of managing vital film production resources.

1000 Central Pkwy N #269 • San Antonio, TX • 78232
4000 W Montrose Ave #505, Chicago, IL 60641

1000 Central Pkwy N #269 • San Antonio, TX • 78232
4000 W Montrose Ave #505, Chicago, IL 60641